Belt Loops & Pins

Academics & Sports Loops and Pins

All Cub Scouts can participate in the Academics and Sports Program and earn a belt loop and/or pin for each activity.

Activities can be done individually, in the Den, or as a Pack. For example, a Scout participating on school teams or other organized teams may use those activities to fulfill the requirements of this scouting program.

Parents should consider a limit of two Loops and two Pins per month. This program is available for the entirety Boy Scout Program and doing them all in one Scout year is probably not ideal for the Scout - it is not a sprint, more like a marathon.

Try to focus attention on Rank Advancement, Electives, AND Belt Loops evenly. If you focus on the three programs evenly, your Scout will have tons of fun!

About the "Loop and Pin" Program

This program is one method of addressing the third aim of Scouting: the development of physical, mental and emotional fitness by focusing on...

  1. the body (well-tuned and healthy)

  2. the mind (able to think and solve problems)

  3. the emotions (self-control, courage, and self-respect)

We ask that you try to complete one activity in each category per month - this will ensure your Scout gets an award at every Pack Meeting and he will learn so much along the way!

You will notice that many of the activities in this program can give you great ideas for a family outing on the weekend.

Steps to Earning the Belt Loops and Pins...

  1. Click the appropriate link to the right of this page

  2. Follow the Steps as described

  3. Limit Loop and Pin activity to two per month

    1. You should also focus your Scouts attention on...

      1. Rank Advancement Requirements in the Handbook

      2. Program Electives in the handbook

Special thanks to for providing the material used in this section and on the pages linked to it!